Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Finally we have a very fun trainer by the name of brother love..
20 years experience, and almost liek a saint-like figure with all his theories of life and
understanding.. wesley shld get to know him please..!

anyway.. today studied equipment, and it was REALLY REALLY taxing..
finally i start to loosen up a lil in class.. but stillllllllllllllllllllllll....
yadayadayada....not comfy still also...

my staff pass will be given either tmr or friday! now i will look more like a staff..!
haha! i can feel the weight of the workload already.. its really not easy..
anyways.. im getting fat fat fat..! need to Shed shed shed..! if not die luh...
i hope i am not in the wrong field.. or maybe.. i shld say...
i have more dreams to fulfill...

but just a random thought.. dreams sometimes shld just be what it is..
unfulfilled.. so that way, i will have more motivation to live on with this life..
or rather.. living and embracing life itself..

anyway i have not practice jap for very long already..! omgosh..!
but the previous work habits still retains..anyhows..
i have alot of random thots and thinkings in my brain..
its like bumper car.. too many at one go.. i cannot focus..

need to get back to my basic..

where is my that *smthg*