veryyyyyyyyyyyy tired...
veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fat........!
my waist has been expanding the past month.. now my belt i have to shift
1 more hole already!!! omgosh...! can die...
I WILL START WORKING OUT TMR!!! promise...! 自分の約束。。
anyway.. training training training..!
gayish people shld be annihilated...!
boys being toooooooooooooooooo feminine shld just be dissipated..!
exams passing mark shld be 50%...
politics shld be at 0%..
role play shld be non-existence...
notes shld be thin..
i shld be slim..!
tmr i will start running running running.. cannot take it already..
need to take actions.... tonight.. anyway...
i am GRANTED PR..! (= im gonna take it...
monday will head down ICA.. and then after that go back STC
to attend jeanie's graduation...! hahaha!
and oh my gosh.. LULU pretty la.. (this girl in jeanie STC class)
and jeanie is from my batch of htm-ers in poly... hahah!
i am going to buy a MARTIN THIS YEAR...!!!! YAY!!!
ok.. own money tho.. my next post will tell you what martin is.. but most prolly if you know me well enough.. you will know what it is laaaaaaaaaaaaa..!
tillllll SOON.... BYEBYE..!!!!