Monday, May 10, 2010

1 year..!

i have flown for 1 yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

and i just realise from my first flight ever!
it is beijing.. and i end up doing a beijing on this very date this date!
how cool lo.. plus 3 SNY onboard! *sny is On job trng for new crews*
went for my 1 year old crave for PEK duck! woo hoo!

today is 10th may:

ok supposed to be a memorable day luh.. but then..
etc etc etc...


fly 1 year already.. i dun feel i gained much..
i dun feel i lost anything either..
life is pretty much, stagnant and repeating..

business class training is coming, follow by A330 training..

new places to see, but tougher flights to do..!

A pic i took 2 flights ago from Beijing-Sin

Miss you `